Our New York City location stands in midtown Manhattan on 7th Avenue, just a few blocks from both Grand Central and Penn Stations. The attorneys in this office specialize in construction accidents, motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice cases and employment law, among other practice areas.
New York City is consistently under construction, making accidents associated with construction quite frequent. These accidents can be a result of faulty scaffolding that injures either workers or passersby walking down the street. Injury can also occur as a result of fallen debris, unsafe work conditions, ill-trained construction workers or poor supervision on the worksite.
Another issue that our New York attorneys often deal with is slip and falls. Walking is the main method of transportation for many people living in New York City as well as those visiting. As mentioned, there is often a lot of construction that occurs during in the city throughout the year, so it is possible for people to be injured on their daily walk to work. Businesses, construction sites, and the city are responsible for maintaining a safe sidewalk condition, but sometimes, especially during the winter months, people slip or fall due to unsafe conditions or unkempt sidewalks. These injuries can have serious consequences and may even lead to hospitalization and large medical bills.
In such a large, busy city, pedestrians also face the risk of being struck by another vehicle. Between cars parked on the street and drivers making illegal turns or failing to stop completely at stop signs or lights, pedestrian accidents occur frequently in New York City. In fact, 101 pedestrians were killed after being struck by a motor vehicle in 2017.
If you have been injured in New York City, it is important to consult with an experienced New York personal injury attorney. To find out if the facts of your case may qualify filing a personal injury claim, call our New York office at 973-346-8700 or fill out our contact form below.
free case review
Construction Site Accident – significant Spinal Cord Injuries
Medical Malpractice – laceration of Bile during gallbladder surgery
Products Liability – improper installation of a steam boiler without proper safety valves and discharge piping resulting in multiple burns and lacerations
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