If you are injured at work, while performing your usual work activities, you can normally be compensated for your losses through the workers’ compensation process. The attorneys that makeup Rinaldo and Gimbrone, PC are experienced in helping clients take legal action against employers for job-related injuries and recover damages.
By following proper procedures, you can receive compensation for the medical expenses related to your injury, and for a portion of your lost wages if you were unable to work due to the injury. The benefits would be paid by the worker’s compensation insurance that most employers are required to carry. It’s a ‘no-fault’ system, meaning you don’t have to prove negligence on the part of your employer. You simply have to document the injury by following proper procedure.
There are, however, any number of circumstance where you may need to file suit to recover damages for an injury or illness related to your job, such as:
If you are uncertain about your rights and benefits, you feel you are unfairly being denied benefits due you for a work-related injury, please contact us to discuss your rights and options.
Employee and Employer Guide
By law, there are limits to how and when an employer can terminate a worker, even if the employment is at will.
free case review
Construction Site Accident – significant Spinal Cord Injuries
Medical Malpractice – laceration of Bile during gallbladder surgery
Products Liability – improper installation of a steam boiler without proper safety valves and discharge piping resulting in multiple burns and lacerations
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