Dog bites are very common, and the attorneys Rinaldo and Gimbrone, PC have successfully aided clients who have suffered injuries from dog bites recover damages from the negligent party.
Of the 4.7 million people injured by a dog bite each year, approximately 800,000 require medical treatment often involving an average hospital stay of more than three days. Each year an average of ten to twenty people – including many children – actually die due to serious dog bite injuries.
Dogs will bite for any number of reasons, including fear and territorial instincts, mistreatment, or aggressiveness. More than half of all fatal dog bites involve Pit Bull and Rottweiler breeds.
To lessen the chances of being bitten, you should:
learn the signs that indicate a dog may be about to bite
avoid approaching unfamiliar dogs
avoid dogs that are chained up, sleeping, or eating
As an owner, you should:
spay or neuter your dog socialize them as early as possible train them humanely abide by leash and confinement laws supervise them properlymbe cautious in new environments, around children, and situations that make the dog fearful If you are injured by a dog bite, you have the legal right to seek compensation from the person whose negligence caused the dog bite. This is usually the dog owner, but can also be other parties – such as daycare workers who failed to supervise a child who was later bitten. The laws vary from city to city, so it is important to consult with an experienced injury attorney who is familiar with these regulations. Please contact us promptly to learn more about your rights and options by filling out our contact form, or call 973-346-8700.
free case review
Construction Site Accident – significant Spinal Cord Injuries
Medical Malpractice – laceration of Bile during gallbladder surgery
Products Liability – improper installation of a steam boiler without proper safety valves and discharge piping resulting in multiple burns and lacerations
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